1 min read

We've been working hard on the game, especially recently.  The list of changes is almost too much to comb through, but here are some of the highlights:

  • We added TONS of new crops
  • We added ANIMATED crops to make rare crops feel extra special.
  • We added GIANT crops that take up multiple squares.
  • We added evolutions that require specific conditions, like time of day or weather.
  • Oh yeah, we added weather!

Here's a few screen shots of how the game has changed.

Oh yeah! We also completely changed the entire look and feel of the game.

We've made a ton of progress!  I'll hopefully be updating a little more frequently from now on, so make sure to check back often!

We also have a Discord you can join for up-to-date changes as well as Game Demos!  You can join here today: https://discord.gg/UdKxu8AFrZ


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